Environment Protection
Championing a Green Economy, Plants based Medicines, and Environment Protection
What We Do
Protecting the environment is central to creating a sustainable future. We work with communities to raise awareness about climate change, deforestation, waste management, and the importance of preserving natural resources. Our initiatives encourage eco-friendly practices that contribute to cleaner air, water, and land. By promoting environmental responsibility, we aim to create a balance between human development and the natural world.
Our Environmental Protection Programs
- Nursery Trees Plantation
- Beekeeping Advocacy
- Umurage wa Nyirumuvumba
- Sensitization on plants that are disappearing on earth (inkori, isogi, intagarasoryo, ibishyimbo by'imikunde,amashereka etc....)
- Promotion of use of our ancestral treatment plants ( including, umubirizi, umuravumba, igicunshu etc...)
- Seedlings and distribution of plants based medicines around the world
- Sarura Kimwe utere bibiri (Forestry and trees plantation)